BetterEbuy | Online Garden Store
Gardening is a not just Hobby or any Physical activity – it can also be very relaxing and at the same time gardening can also be a creative experience to one as well. A garden can range from a single potted plant to an entire greenhouse or yard. Watching plants come alive from seeds, grow and thrive because of your efforts can be a very satisfying experience! So why not own a small garden for yourself!
Start your own Garden today!
- First step in making your own garden is to plan what type of garden that you want to have by taking in to consideration of your available space, free time, budget, soil type, climate, season, etc.
- Pick a small space for your garden where you will get enough sun light.
- Always start with a small garden and then continue to increase the numbers as per your liking.
- Test and improve your soil by asking expert’s advice. (Optional)
- Prepare the soil – Get rid of weeds and sod in the area where you plan to plant. Loosen the soil and prepare your planting bed.
- Pick your plants and start planting. Its better to buy the plants from the nurseries for the first time instead of trying to grow from seeds.
- Monitor and and maintain the garden by watering at the right time, weeding, protecting the plants from pests etc.
- Create your own garden style to your likings… As a first step, start shopping for plants to create your own Garden!